Please click on the BOOK button below to book appointments.
Please note - if you sign up for the Waitlist, it will only contact you if the appointment time you requested becomes available. If the appointment time you requested on the Waitlist does not become available, your Waitlist request will expire without an appointment.
You can book multiple different services on the same appointment if needed.
Please book an appointment time you intend to arrive at.
If possible, please try to take the earliest appointment time available.
If you need to reschedule, please use the link in your confirmation email. Please do not contact us to reschedule your appointment unless it's necessary.
If possible, please try to reschedule no later than24 hours in advance.
Please read the description of the appointment you intend to use.
The appointment calendar can change often. Please check the appointment calendar often if you're looking for a different appointment day or time.
No appointment is needed for drop-off services like skate stretching. We attempt to complete skate stretching in 24 hours.
No appointment is needed for permanent screws.
No food or drink in the store please.
New Jersey traffic can be terrible. Please leave yourself enough time to travel.
Please double check the actual date of your appointment.
We kindly ask that you arrive to your appointment on time.
We try to keep as many skates in-stock as we can, but sometimes we will need to special order your skates. Please be prepared for the possibility that you may need to make a return trip to pick up your skates after your Initial Skate Fitting.
Please double check the date of your appointment, not just the day.
Drop-offs for skate stretching do not need an appointment. Stretching will be done in 24 hours or next operating day.
Accessory shopping can be done without an appointment from 11a-3p or 4p-7p Tues-Fri & 10a-4p Sat.